Esthetics/Facial Specialist

美容师课程为学生成为一名皮肤护理专家做准备.  推荐的学习课程旨在满足既定的执照要求 by the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation. 

Program Outcomes

  • Model professional and ethical behavior. 
  • 实行所有保护个人和公众健康的卫生和安全措施. 
  • Demonstrate proficiency in all barbering skills. 
  • Prepare to pass the state board requirements. 

Career Information

美容师专门提供一系列的治疗和服务来改善 and maintain the health and appearance of the skin. Estheticians typically work in 水疗中心,沙龙,医疗诊所,或皮肤科办公室,提供个性化的护肤 根据客户的个人需求和担忧量身定制的治疗方案. These treatments 可能包括面部护理、化学换肤、微晶磨皮、脱毛和其他护肤 旨在解决痤疮、衰老、色素沉着和敏感等问题的服务. 

除了进行护肤护理,美容师还会教育客户 正确的护肤方法和建议的家庭护理程序,以提高和延长 benefits of professional treatments. They assess clients' skin conditions, concerns, 和目标,并提供个性化的建议,护肤产品,成分,和 techniques suited to their specific needs.  


Cosmetology - Esthetician - Barbering Information Fall 2024
Orientation: August 21, 2024, at 10 am in the Cosmetology Building
(Mandatory for all New Students)

Student Handbook (Online)

The Student Handbook 包含一般的指导方针,程序,政策和信息,具体到拉马尔 州立大学亚瑟港美容课程和德州执照部 and Regulations requirements.

Cosmetology Registration Fee

所有美容专业的学生必须在德州执照局注册 & Regulation by the first day of class. The $25 registration can be paid for at the business office or the students can bring in cash or debit cards. Mrs. Smith will register them at that time. A copy of your receipt is needed for the first day of class.


您需要为TDLR许可证提供两张照片(1½x 1½). Your TDLR permit is documentation of your registration into the program.

Immunization Requirements:

结核病皮肤试验(最近6个月内)将此信息提交给指导老师 by the first-class day.

Supply Kits:

Below is the cost for each of the program kits.  You will need to purchase the kit and pay the fee at the business office.  Bring your receipt to receive the kit.  This needs to be done as soon as class begins.

  • Cosmetology Phase I Kit Cost: $620.00
  • Cosmetology Phase II Kit Cost: $325.00
  • Barbering Kit Cost: $550.00

支持材料- 正规靠谱赌博软件在线书店,亚马逊,巴诺

  • Milady’s Standard Cosmetology & Foundations Textbook Bundle and the Cosmetology Theory Workbook – 14th Edition
  • Milady’s Standard Esthetics & Foundations Textbook Bundle and Esthetics Theory Workbook – 12th Edition
  • 夫人的标准理发教科书和理论工作手册-第6版

Dress Code

每个学生都必须遵守由正规靠谱赌博软件美容制定的着装政策 Program and the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation.

所有学生在打卡前必须穿制服,并在打卡前保持制服 out.

Dress code requirements are as follows:

All Black Unisex Scrub Top, Pants & Lab Jacket
Shoes: Tennis Shoes (any color) or Work Force
Hair: Neat and presentable daily. (You are your biggest advertisement)
Nails: 为了安全和卫生起见,所有的钉子都应该是平均长度,而不是更长 than the end of the finger.


Lamar will provide the Cosmetology, Esthetician, & Barber students with the opportunity to make up any days missed every Friday. (9 am -2 pm), (Dual enrollment students 9 am - 11 am, and 12 pm – 2 pm). This will give the student time to make up any Lab/Skills assignments missed. Absences must be made up before the end of the semester. Depending 根据缺勤次数,学生将收到一份不完整的报告,并可选择 make them up the following semester.

Lamar State College-Port Arthur 要求所有美容课程以“C”或更高的成绩完成并通过 获得通过州委员会考试所需的知识和技能.

Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation 要求完成并通过所有已注册的模块(课程)才能获得 credit hours to be eligible to take the state board exam. Students must be in attendance to receive credit.

Recommended Program of Study
Course Title SCH
First Semester
CSME 1248 Principles of Skin Care 2
CSME 1421 Principles of Facial & Skin Care Technology I 4
CSME 1445 Principles of Facial & Skin Care Technology II 4
Second Semester
CSME 2251 Preparation for the State Licensing Practical Examination 2
CSME 2343 Salon Development 3
CSME 2531 Principles of Facial & Skin Care Technology III 5
Total   20



What type of license/certification is needed? 

学生必须完成学习计划,然后参加美学家的书面考试 exam and a practical (hands-on) exam. Once successfully completing both parts of the 通过考试后,学生将获得TDLR(德克萨斯州执照部)颁发的执照 和法规)在德克萨斯州作为一名美容师执业. 


美容师/面部专家负责熟练地进行面部护理, including cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, and hydration.  Estheticians must also 具备知识和各种面部技术,如欧洲面部护理, deep-cleansing facials, and anti-aging treatments. 



继续教育的要求因州而异,但许多州要求有执照 美容师/面部专家完成一定数量的继续教育 hours to renew their licenses. These courses may cover topics such as sanitation, new techniques, and industry trends. 


美容师/面部专家职业面临的挑战包括身体需求 比如长时间站立,管理客户期望,保持更新 industry trends, and maintaining a steady flow of clients. Estheticians/facial specialists 还需要管理业务方面的工作,如调度,库存, and marketing. 

What is the difference between an Esthetician and a Cosmetologist? 

美容师和美容师都是美容行业的持牌专业人士, 但他们在实践中有不同的专业领域和关注点. 

美容师 专门从事皮肤护理,专注于改善和保养 the health and appearance of the skin. They are trained to perform a variety of skincare 服务,包括面部护理、化学换肤、微晶磨皮、脱毛和身体护理. 美容师会评估客户的皮肤类型、关注点和目标,以制定个性化的治疗方案 治疗计划,并提供适当的皮肤护理和家庭护理的专家建议 routines. 他们的工作通常涉及解决特定的皮肤护理问题,如痤疮, 老化,色素沉着或敏感,使用专业级产品和技术 to achieve optimal results. 

另一方面, 美容师 专门从事头发护理,化妆应用和 nail care services. They are trained to cut, style, and color hair, apply makeup for various occasions, and provide manicures and pedicures. Cosmetologists may also offer 额外的服务,如接发、头皮护理或脱毛. While 美容师可能有一些护肤知识,可能提供基本的面部护理, their primary focus is on hair and nail care services. 

综上所述,美容师专注于皮肤护理,而美容师专注于美容 on hair care, makeup, and nail services. Both professions require licensure and training, 但他们在美容行业有不同的专业领域.  

What kind of salary can I expect? 

据O*NET网站报道,美容师/面部专家有着光明的前景 the local salary is typically $20-22 an hour. Other areas of the state have a slightly higher salary range. 

Sheila Guillot, Chair 
Business and Industrial Technology 
(409) 984-6381

Amanda Smith, Program Coordinator
Cosmetology Building, Office 116
(409) 984-6402

Sherry Lejeune, Instructor
Cosmetology Building, Office 111
(409) 984-6507

Carla Santos, Adjunct Instructor
Cosmetology Building, Office 111
(409) 984-6402

Carla Santos Garcia, Adjunct Instructor 
Esthetician/Facial Specialist 
(409) 984-6418

Alpha Beta Gamma Business Honor Society 
Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP)

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